

Durational performance and sound installation

The work exists in two versions:

I - Durational performance and live sound installation was developed for the festival Time & Space: Harmony of the Spheres and performed by Giorgi Janiashvili at the Camera Obscura of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, London, UK, November, 2009:

For a performer dressed as a monk with a mask, his/her voice, indeterminae poetic text, microphone, live electronics with a hidden computer running maxmsp, quadraphonic sound installation, a small space (the original space was Camera Obscura).

II - Sound installation was developed for the festival Time & Space and exhibited at the Camera Obscura of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, London, UK, October, 2009:

For a hidden computer running maxmsp, quadraphonic sound installation, a small space (the original space was Camera Obscura).

The duration of both versions: indefinite.

Festival Time & Space: Harmony of the Spheres the Royal Observatory Greenwich, London, UK, 2009:

Artistic Director: Stephen Montague.
Movement Director: Lizzi Kew-Ross.
Producer: Nicholas Green.
Project Directors Andrea Spain, Dominic Murcott, Sarah Lockwood.
Events Executive: Sonia Davin-Smith.
Lighting Design: Karsten Tinapp
Costume Design: Susan Kulkarni.
Performance Manager: Sophia Ball.
Performance Co-Ordinator: Debbra Walters.
Sound Technician: Tom Gisby.
Assistant Choreographers: Genevieve Giron, Helka Kaski, Leon Smith.

Composers: Stephen Montague, Edward Jessen, Emily Blackledge, Cathleen Cheshire, Angus Finlayson, James Hamilton, Julian Hepple, Giorgi Janiashvili, Oliver Payne, Katy Pearce, Sivan Shenhav, Lucy Smith, Simone Spagnolo, Hannah Varty, Nick Worrall, John Cage, Luciano Berio.

Program (Click):







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